[greeN FAT RED THIN|绿肥红瘦]

Green Fat Red Thin is an interactive a mirrored piece. It translates camera culture to the perception of self in the passage of aging. Bringing forth a eulogy from antiquity to the screen of self-documentation, the camera feeds in pixel data, brightness values mapped into four Chinese characters “绿肥红瘦” (Green, Fat, Red, Thin) respectively in a linear fade. The snippet from a classical poem in the Song Dynasty, “Green Fat Red Thin” laments on the elapse of time, metaphorically illustrating the leaves flourishing against the flowers withering away. The code that interprets the poem corresponds to every participant’s interaction in parallel of “Sin(ofGetElapsedTimef()) of OpenFrameworks.”

Green Fat Red Thin, Sin(time) Has Gone With the Wind

Green Fat Red Thin, Sin(time) Has Gone With the Wind

The poems on the right screen is re-generated and translated by NPL.

Daniel Shiffman

Daniel Shiffman